So last night at work, I caught at thief... Not as exciting as I would have liked it to have been, but none the less, I was a crimefighter for about an hour. Let those who choose the darker path know that the weed of crime bears bitter fruit, crime does not pay!!! Alright then, back to the story. It was about 12:30 last night in the good old hospital, and I was setting up some equipment in the vending room for the night when a guy just happened to walk in with each jean pocket stuffed with a soda pop, coat pockets with sodas, and even a cafeteria tray filled to the brim with more sodas, about a four cheesecake slices, and a half dozen granola bars! Not only was this guy stealing, he was shopping. How could this guy not realize he looked like a red flag? All that food and sodas on a cafe tray, about four hours after the cafeteria already closed... I would have jumped him myself right then and there, but knowing my luck if I had, he probably paid for it earlier in the afternoon and just really liked soda and cheesecake. So, instead of wrangling him to the floor, I walked over to the security booth and asked them to check the tape on the cafe cameras to see if he was in there just a few minutes ago. Sure enough he was, and the security and police on duty at the hospital confronted him and dealt with it.
I have other stuff to blog soon, just been busy, caught between school, work, and sleep.
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